Saturday, December 9, 2017

How to create a PC by combining parts. (Linux OS). Step1: collect parts

At first, you need the following to build a PC at least:
1. Motherboard
2. CPU
3. RAM (Memory)
4. GPU
5. Power supply
6. Storage(HDD, Flash SSD)
7. Tower (PC case)
8. Keyboard
9. PC monitor
10. Mouse
11. OS(We will use Linux because it is free OS. Windows and Mac are not free)
Choose what you will buy (Brand, Power, Price etc..).
But even if you collect all these parts, if there is no compatibility between the parts, they will not work when they are put together. You MUST check if they are compatible with each other. Maybe use this website for that:

Maybe choose the most important part for you at first (CPU?GPU?Motherboard?) and choose recommendations from the website.